Tips To Make Better Business Decisions And Live A More Happy Life
It takes an enormous amount of work to build powerful muscles. They are able
to perform powerful, quick actions that help them compete in individual events.
As an entrepreneur, your essential "muscle" is the ability to make decisions.
Either you cultivate this ability and strengthen it or let your decision muscles
to deteriorate by procrastination and indecisiveness.
If you're frequently stressed and worried about decisions, the good news is
that you can build this decision-making muscle. You can be a slim and healthy
entrepreneur who can make better decisions, and the best tips you'll find in the
rest of this article are a great place to start. Check it out to discover
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The Cost of Delaying
It is dangerous to just be alive. Walking out your door or getting in your
vehicle, and driving around town statistically puts you in danger. You decide to
get out of bed and into your car so you can carry on with your day-to-day
Your ability to make better decisions is in fact impeded by fear. If you're
overwhelmed by fear, you are frozen like a deer staring into the light. Fear can
make you paralyzed and make you avoid movement due to the possibility that
something terrible might happen.
But in reality, inaction is usually even worse than deciding to take action.
People who do not make any decisions and wait to see what happens as sitting
Choice Tip #1: Don't Decide In Moments of Emotion
In Entreleadership, Dave Ramsey says that he enforces a policy in his company
not to make decisions out of fear or other powerful emotions. Dave realizes that
the best choices are seldom made in fits of anger, fear, jealousy, greed, or
intense excitement.
One of the best examples in real investment is auctions. Auction sellers rely
the buyers being influenced by fear and other emotions so that they'll pay the
highest price. Buyers are scared of losing a deal because they are able to see
other bidders bidding against them. When bidding gets heated buyers become
aggressive and over-indulgent. Buyers can make rash decisions due to
Every auction buyer who has been around knows that the price decision MUST be
made firmly prior to bidding begins. I have personally made a bad decision at an
auction because I did not decide beforehand. I learned my lesson and now I write
my highest bid down and do not ever go over it.
Decision Tip #2: Create Deadlines
Certain decisions have built-in deadlines. If you borrow money and the loan
principal must be paid off in one lump sum before a certain date (i.e. If you've
got balloon notes then the date for making your decision is set. If you decide
to refinance, sell or keep enough cash to avoid negative consequences with your
Many other decisions don't have an end date and are delayed. This is a sign
of procrastination. You can create your own deadline.
Decision Tip #3: Take the Right Amount of Time to Make a Decision
The decision of what to eat for lunch isn't going to alter your daily
routine. Therefore, decide and then keep moving.
However, the purchase of the first property you invest in is a risk. more
risk than eating turkey sandwiches. It is sensible to spend longer to do your
research, prepare and consider. Naturally, the time needed to make major
investment decisions can change as you gain experience. When I first began, I
had sweaty palms for days trying to figure out what I could offer to an
investment house. After 13 years of expertise in the business, hundreds of
transactions, and numerous hours of research, I am capable of making an offer in
Fourth Decision Tip: Search for More Options
As a young child I was instructed not to touch animals. We came home one
night to find an opossum hidden in our garage. We climbed out of the car, and
stood between the doorway and the opossum in order to get it out. In desperation
the animal started to hiss and display its sharp, tiny teeth. It was as if it
5th Decision Tip - Collect More Information
When I first started real estate investing I was a novice to renovating
houses. After all, I studied Biology and German at school and played football.
It turns out that these are not very useful abilities for fixing real
My partner in business and I hired contractors to fix problems in our home. But we were too dependent upon their expertise and had to trust that they would make the right decision for us. However, this didn't always work out.
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